Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Spelling test

Cameron and I enjoy playing a game in which I write a word on his Magnadoodle and he tries to read it. Examples might be ZOO, BOOK, or CAR. Today, Cameron decided to turn things around. "I'LL write the word, Mommy, and you read it!" he said. He concentrated carefully then turned the board to face me where I saw "GT.A" written clear as day. Hmmm. I considered the possibilities and then hazarded a guess. "Goat?" I said. Cameron looked heartily amused by my ineptitude and replied merrily, "No, Mommy! G-T-point-A. See? It says 'tortellini'!"


Christine said...

Gees, Sharon. You'd think with an advanced degree you'd be a better speller!

Anonymous said...

Christine, that pic is totally adorable lol.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I remember Magnadoodle!