Sunday, January 27, 2008

Look Ma! No hands!

With breathtaking speed, Matthew is knocking out milestones left and right! A few days ago I thought to myself, "I wonder when Matthew will be able to sit unassisted?" Just for fun, I sat him up with the Boppy pillow behind him. "Wow," my internal dialogue continued. "He's really sitting nicely!" I gently edged the Boppy away and, to my utter astonishment, Matthew sat there by himself. He had a casual look of confidence, as if he'd been sitting for months and I just hadn't noticed. For those of you who have been sitting upright for a while, you may have forgotten how this skill revolutionized your world. Suddenly, Matthew can play with toys that are too heavy for him to lift and play with laying down. He can watch Cameron put on a Superhero show. He can glance around to identify the source of the sound. He can reach for objects. It's awesome. Here is the newly upright doing his thing.

In other big, BIG news, Matthew is sleeping for several hours at a stretch! In desperation, I found a used Amby Sleep Hammock on Ebay, bid like my life depended on it and then stalked the UPS guy for a week. Gosh, would I feel like a fool if after all that the sleep hammock didn't make a difference! Thankfully, Matthew loves the hammock and has slept longer and longer each night he's been in it! So sleep-deprived have I been that when I got TWO four hour shifts of sleep in a row, I awoke feeling as refreshed and relaxed as if I had just had a day at the spa. I have avoided taking photos of Matthew in the hammock, as I live in constant fear of returning to his tortuous hourly awakenings, but I did snap this one.

We were treated to a visit from Grandpa Frank and Grandma Linda this weekend, so they were able to actually witness all these monumentous accomplishments!

1 comment:

Grandma Linda said...

I couldn't believe our baby is sitting up already, but I saw it with my own eyes.

The hammock is working wonders. Matthew looks so comfy in it. What a great idea!