Thursday, January 10, 2008

Diapers and Danger on the High Seas

Cameron enjoys changing the diaper of Matthew's baby doll. He has an eclectic technique, however, and I don't think I'll be letting him change Matthew any time soon. First, he removes the diaper and remarks loudly on how dirty the baby is. He then turns the baby over on his stomach, gets a baby wipe and vigorously rubs at the baby's bottom. Next, he flips the baby over to his back, states "Oh, his face is dirty, too!" and uses the SAME wipe to clean the baby's face! Ewww.

In other news, Matthew has joined a gang of marauding pirates. He now insists we call him Captain Gummy Grin.


Grandma Linda said...

I starting laughing really loud when I saw the photo of Cameron using the wipe on the baby dolls face. Then I roared in laughter at the pirate photo of Matthew! Thanks for a great start to my morning.

Christine said...

I'm a little concerned and suspicious about where Cameron learned this diapering technique. Have you watched David closely when he changes Matthew??

Anonymous said...

Savvy! Watch out Captain Jack Sparrow! Eh, matey?

Sharon said...

Hmmm. David always does fine at diaper changes -- when I'm watching. One more reason for a nanny cam?