Monday, December 3, 2007

The Nativity: 2007

Cameron has a Fisher Price Little People Nativity Set which we brought up from the basement this weekend. While he, in general, prefers Batman to Little People these days, the Nativity set reawakened his interest in his other Little People toys. This morning, two worlds collided as Mary and Joseph joined forces with their more modern counterparts. Here are some photos of their exploits. To give you some background, after the stable "was zapped by thunder," Mary and Joseph decided to "drive to Bethlehem." Finding that Matthew's Little People bus was too full, Mary gently placed Jesus in his swaddling clothes in a . . . trailer and set off in her truck.
Soon, Mary tired of toting baby Jesus around, she asked Joseph to pull the trailer with his motorcycle instead.The story gets MUCH more exciting including a run-in with pirates, but the photos didn't turn out. I guess you'll just have to wait for "The Nativity: 2007" to hit your local movie theater as it most surely will.


RTC said...

That's the best nativity version I've heard in years! You have a budding screenwriter on your hands. ;)

Sharon said...

Thought you might enjoy that one, Ryan!

Here is the conversation I imagine Mary and Joseph having:

J: Gas prices these days are ridiculous. Let's take the donkeys.

M: Uh, Joseph? Hello?!?!? I just had a BABY. If you think I am riding on a DONKEY you are out of your mind. I'm taking the truck.

Christine said...

I'm very concerned about the safety of Baby Jesus riding in the back of a trailor. Is the manger approved for travel in a motor vehicle? Is there a five-point harness to keep him safe?? I can't believe that Mary, as a new mother, let this happen!!


Sharon said...


No kidding! I mean, I'm doubtful that the trailer even has seatbelts much less LATCH!

Maybe "Mary" is a pseudonym for Britney!
