Friday, April 11, 2008

Build a word

Cameron loves the show Word World in which animal characters, whose bodies are made of letters, solve problems by "building a word." When they build a word, they simply pick up some letters, spell out the word they need and -- ta-da! -- the word transforms into the object. Some recent episodes have included a gripping drama in which sheep is stuck on the roof and Duck builds a S-L-I-D-E to get her down or the nailbiter in which the animals can't get onto the stage until they build S-T-A-I-R-S. I've also seen them build a N-E-S-T, a C-A-K-E, a B-E-D, and a P-O-T. (Although I must point out that I was relieved when the P-O-T transformed into a container for cooking on the stove. I was fearful that the P-O-T would become an illegal substance and Police Sheep would have to put Duck in H-A-N-D-C-U-F-F-S.)

Wouldn't it be handy to be able to create anything you wanted just by spelling it? I don't want to brag or anything, but I was the spelling bee champion in Mrs. Kowalis' third grade class. I think I could do some serious damage with an alphabet like they've got in Word World. I would build WAY better stuff than a slide or stairs, though. Given the price of gasoline these days, I might create a H-Y-B-R-I-D for myself and fill up the tank with G-A-S for free. After a long day with the kids, I'd sit down on the couch and build myself a M-A-R-G-A-R-I-T-A. And no more mac and cheese for lunch, I'd be feasting on a three course meal with C-R-E-M-E B-R-U-L-E-E for dessert. Oooh, I wouldn't want to end up on a D-I-E-T though.

The only object they've built on Word World that was really ingenious was a R-O-B-O-T. Given how fond I've grown of George, our very own vacuuming robot, I would have to spell myself a few more R-O-B-O-T-S to keep the house sparkling clean.


Ginger said...

I don't understand it but Katie LOVES this show, as well!

Christine said...

I love it! I'd turn W-H-I-N-E into W-I-N-E!