Friday, April 18, 2008

The Big(gish) One

So, around 5:45 this morning, we were hit by an earthquake. I, in the perpetual state of exhaustion we call "motherhood," slept through it. Hey, if it's not crying, it doesn't wake me people!

A short time later, David came and roused me. "I was holding Matthew," he said, "and I felt an earthquake!" Since the Midwest is not particularly known for earthquakes, I took this to be a euphimism and said, a bit testily I will admit, "So you're waking me up because you can't change a poopy diaper?" Wow, did I have egg on my face when I realized he meant an honest to goodness earthquake! (Although I was a bit relieved that I didn't have to start my morning out with a dirty diaper!)


Grandma Linda said...

An earthquake in Ohio? How unusual! I would have first suspected a poopy diaper myself!

Anonymous said...

I never felt the earthquake either! I was too busy reading about the mimetic functions of hyperbolic rapidity in Balzacian novels! Whooo! what fun!