Sunday, June 21, 2009

If I Had a Hammer . . .

If you don't have a toddler, let me tell you a few things about them. They are determined. And clever. And a lot stronger than they look. If you ever need a demonstration of these skills, just try to put one in a carseat when they don't want to sit. They will wriggle and turn and brace their feet on the end of the seat, effectively making it impossible for you to buckle them in. If you continue to test them, they will scream and they just might take a swing at you.

I've wrangled more than one toddler into a carseat now, so I know a few tricks. So, should you ever find yourself, red-faced and panting, wondering if you will ever get out of the driveway because a toddler will not sit down, try distraction. Give them a toy, a snack, a sippie cup. But take it from me. Do not, ever, under any circumstances, give them a toy hammer. Don't ask me how I know, just trust me.