Sunday, September 16, 2007

Oh happy day!

Today, something happened that every mama dreams of . . . a momentous event, of which non-mamas could never appreciate the significance. Until you have pushed a preschooler on a swing for hour upon hour, how could you know how much you would yearn for this. . .

CAMERON HAS LEARNED TO PUMP! Yes, that's right folks. He can now entertain himself on the swing UNAIDED!
Ahhh, it doesn't get much better than this! And, in proof that those expensive tumbling classes are worth it, here is Cameron's other swingset skill!In other news, David cleaned the whole house today. And I mean, he even loaded the dishwasher!!! (Reference my post "Raising a Boy" if you don't recognize this as the feat it is!) I was astounded. Now, I know that both the house and my personal appearance have sunk to new lows since Matthew's arrival. I mean, I'm exhausted and so busy changing diapers, there isn't time for such trivial matters as retrieving petrified veggies from under the dining room table. I guess I just didn't realize that the house could ever get dirty enough that David would NOTICE it, much less CLEAN it! David says that the large coffee I brought him this morning was the motivator of this historic event. Note to self: Serve David large coffee every Sunday morning.


Ginger said...

I understand your enthusiasm over Cameron's independent swinging! Looking forward to the day that Katie can do the same!

Grandma Linda said...

I think David is a keeper.

Sharon said...

Yeah, David's sort of growing on me . . . just may decide to keep him around.