Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I have two kids

Several times today, I had the realization, "Wait. I have TWO kids." And, more importantly, "I am home, unaided, attempting to care for TWO kids." Despite my anxiety, today is going well! Not only did I feed aforementioned kids, I also bathed and dressed them AND took them to the library. *patting self on back* I actually feel cautiously optimistic about my ability to parent more than one child! (Wait until bedtime, though. That's when the going gets tough!)
Cameron entertained us this morning with a new version of make-believe in which he was a Little Boy Pig, I was a Mommy Pig and Matthew was a Baby Pig. Here is Cameron in his "pig pen."

And, just 'cause it's cute, here is a photo of Matthew, post-bath. When his hair is damp, he has the sweetest little curls!


Christine said...

Looks like you have a handle on things, Sharon!! Very cute curls!

Dave and Jeanne said...

We would have been G and G pig, And it was great fun playing mail box with Cameron. Hope he gets more real mail.