Thursday, September 20, 2007

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Tonight was Cameron's school picnic. He could hardly wait to get there because he has a new "best friend." Cameron talk about this friend non-stop and asked me to come into his class the other day so he could "introduce you to my best friend."

So, we arrive at the picnic and off Cameron runs, returning a short time later holding hands with a little boy, huge smiles on both their faces.

Cameron's friend looks at Matthew in my mei tai carrier. He looks carefully at Matthew, then at me, then Matthew. Then he says . . . "How come God wouldn't give you a baby?" Ouch. So, I reply, "God did give me a baby! He gave me Matthew AND Cameron!" The boy replies, "Who named him?" "I did," I say. "Why? Why didn't CAMERON name him?" But seriously, he did seem like a nice kid and Cameron had a great time with him. I guess they just haven't covered positive adoption language in preschool yet!

I didn't know how much Cameron had paid attention to this conversation, but at bedtime Cameron said this prayer, "Thank you God for giving us my baby brother, because we like him alot and we like his name that we gave him, too!"


KJ said...


Cameron is such a sweetheart.

You are amazing -- and have an amazing family!

(PS I didn't have your email address to reply to your last note to me. Sorry.)

Zack said...

hahah what a cool picture. I'm happy that Cameron is adapting to Matthews presence positively.

Aunt Beth said...

Kids say the darnest things.....