Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Evil Work

At Montessori, activities are all called "work." So, upon picking Cameron up, I always ask him what kind of work he did that day. Often, he will have done pouring work, counting work, matching work and so on. Sometimes the teacher demonstrates how to do certain work. Today, Cameron enthusiastically informed me that tomorrow his teacher will show them all how to do evil work. Evil work? I thought? "Oh, EASEL work? Like painting on an easel?" "NO, Mommy. EVIL work!" Now what will these crazy teachers think of next? Swearing work? Inappropriate Gestures Work? I will DEFINITELY be bringing this up at the curriculum meeting!

1 comment:

Ninette said...

Can't wait to hear what "Evil Work" is. I am sure some of my eighth graders think I am evil at times, but I don't think I have ever made them do "Evil Work"