Matthew is growing so quickly -- his most recent accomplishment is smiling which thrills us all to no end. Capturing his gummy grin on camera has been challenging, but here is the start of a smile. Check out his chubby little cheeks and adorable curls!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Cutest. Boys. Ever.
Matthew is growing so quickly -- his most recent accomplishment is smiling which thrills us all to no end. Capturing his gummy grin on camera has been challenging, but here is the start of a smile. Check out his chubby little cheeks and adorable curls!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Evil Work
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Party People in the House!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Kids Say the Darndest Things
So, we arrive at the picnic and off Cameron runs, returning a short time later holding hands with a little boy, huge smiles on both their faces.
Cameron's friend looks at Matthew in my mei tai carrier. He looks carefully at Matthew, then at me, then Matthew. Then he says . . . "How come God wouldn't give you a baby?" Ouch. So, I reply, "God did give me a baby! He gave me Matthew AND Cameron!" The boy replies, "Who named him?" "I did," I say. "Why? Why didn't CAMERON name him?" But seriously, he did seem like a nice kid and Cameron had a great time with him. I guess they just haven't covered positive adoption language in preschool yet!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The Joy of Junk Mail
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Oh happy day!
CAMERON HAS LEARNED TO PUMP! Yes, that's right folks. He can now entertain himself on the swing UNAIDED!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Busy Buddies
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Who's the fairest?
Friday, September 7, 2007
A confession and an idea
So, here is where I must make an embarassing confession. I watch Big Brother. Loyally. I know, I know, it is a mind-numbing reality TV show and there are better things to do with my time. But honestly, I look forward to it each summer! Sad, I know.
So, for those who don't share my penchant for voyeurism, a brief summary of Big Brother: Each summer, a group of strangers live in a house (aka a set on the CBS lot). They do not leave the house or have any contact with the outside. Their every move is recorded. Each week, they participate in a variety of competitions including Head of Household ("HOH"). The HOH nominates two "houseguests" for eviction, and the house votes on who will leave the house. The last houseguest remaining wins big money. Of course, the highlight of the show is watching the conflicts, the alliances, the betrayals, the show-mances.
So, back to watching Cameron. I thought, "This is almost like Big Brother." And that's when it hit me. Each summer, Big Brother warns us to "Expect the Unexpected." This has including such plot twists as 1) Several houseguests arrive only to learn that they are in the house with their ex, 2) Two houseguests don't know it, but they are siblings (really) and 3) Several houseguests find that their "worst enemy" is also in the house. So, CBS, listen up. How about next season you have the plot twist be "Big Brother 9: Preschool Edition!" Think of all the things you could do with this! Instead of the food competition, the kids could have a "Snack Competition." Winners get ice cream, losers get brussel sprouts. Maybe a few kids could arrive to find they are in the house with their playgroup rival. The Head of Household competition could be renamed, "I Can Do It All By Myself." The Power of Veto competition? How about, "You're Not the Boss of Me" competition? Now, of course, we can't leave 3- and 4-year-olds unsupervised each summer, so parents could be onsite, watching through a one-way mirror! The idea still needs some tweaking, of course, but I'm sure CBS can get a real crackerjack team on this and have it in working order by next summer!
How do I have the time for such musings, you ask? Well, David is off work today and is out with Cameron at the moment. So, it's just me and Matthew (recently nicknamed "Sir Toots Alot"). And I'm finding, "Wow. Just one kid? This is SO easy!"
Thursday, September 6, 2007
My boys are growing up!
Cameron: What are you doing?
Mommy: Putting extra clothes in this bag with your name on it.
Cameron: Why?
Mommy: So you have extra clothes at school in case . . . hhmmm, don't want to mention accidents . . . might cause anxiety . . . you get dirty.
Cameron: But what if someone takes them?
Mommy: No one would take them.
Cameron: But what if they do! What if they think they belong to them!
Mommy: I put your name on them so no one will think they belong to them.
Cameron: But what if someone takes them and I say they are mine and they say, "No, MY name is Cameron!"
And later, on the way to school,
Cameron: Well, when we get there, I'll have to put my extra shirt on.
Mommy: No, no, you can keep on the shirt you are wearing.
Cameron: But I don't want to get it dirty! Great. I avoid "accident" anxiety only to produce a neurotic fear of dirtiness in my 3-year-old!
And when I picked him up from school,
Mommy: How was your first day?
Cameron: They TOOK my extra clothes!
Mommy: Oh, the teacher took them out of your bag to keep them at school.
Cameron: But I was keeping them in my bag, and they TOOK them and I don't know WHERE!
Despite his obsession with the extra clothes, Cameron did awesome! He posed for the obligatory photos, although he did insist on livening up the boring poses I had in mind.
There were no tears at drop-off. I watched him for a while through the super cool and top secret one way mirror. It brought back memories of my own Montessori days to see Cameron watch intently as his teacher demonstrated proper nose-blowing and subsequent hand washing techniques. Cameron was ecstatic to find that the bathroom is equipped with a hand dryer that turns on automatically! When I picked him up, he told me about some of the kids in his class, about the boy who brought in a tooth he lost ("It was a teeny tiny tooth!"), about playing a matching game with airplanes and about the great sandbox. He also asked, "Why is Montessori so quick?" Guess the three hour day seems short to him, too!
In addition to Cameron going off to big boy school, Matthew turned three weeks old! Where does the time go? Oh, that's right . . . the time goes to changing diapers, feeding, supervising big brother, changing diapers again, feeding again, disciplining big brother, changing . . . I loved this photo of Cameron and Matthew -- look at Cameron's little hand on his chest.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
I have two kids
And, just 'cause it's cute, here is a photo of Matthew, post-bath. When his hair is damp, he has the sweetest little curls!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Cameron: How old are you?
Lindsey: I'm tree.
Cameron: Oh. Tree? I'm free.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Fun with Grandpa and Grandma
Grandma and Grandpa (the other set!) visited this week. It was fantastic to have extra hands around for entertaining Cameron and holding Matthew!
Cameron was very excited for Grandma and Grandpa to arrive on Wednesday. For unknown reasons, he decided that he would hide under the dining room table and surprise Grandpa and Grandma when they arrived. He was quite persistent and would not come out from under the table, lest the grandparents choose that very moment to pull into the driveway. Alas, Cameron's grand plan was foiled when he fell asleep under the table! I couldn't even wake him when Grandma and Grandpa did arrive -- he was out cold!Matthew seems very alert and aware -- when he is awake, that is! We got out Cameron's old Take-Along Swing and Matthew finds the plastic doggie and cat quite fascinating. Cameron is also of the belief that there are two things that will quiet a crying baby: a binky and tinny lullabies played by the swing.