Monday, January 25, 2010


Matthew is very, very sick (but should be fine).  He got a nebulizer treatment at the pediatrician's office, had a chest x-ray and was prescribed steroids.  "Any side effects I should expect from the steroids?" I asked.

"Weellll, they might make him a little hyper," said the doctor.

Yes.  Yes, they do indeed make him "a little" hyper.  Off to retrieve my 2-year-old from the chandelier.


kimbill16 said...

Oh no! Poor Matthew. I hope he is all better very soon. Did this have something to do with his allergies? Good luck with the whole chandelier thing!!

Sharon said...

Thanks Kim. Matthew has asthma. He caught a cold which resulted in bronchiolitis which is really tough on him with his asthma. Hopefully the steroids help him kick it!

Grandma Linda said...

I hope Matthew is feeling a little better by now. For the hyperactivity I recommend long, splashy baths, dance parties, and extra tv time for when Mom can't take it anymore.

Sharon said...

Sadly, dance parties result in excessive use of the inhaler. Maybe next week. We'll stick to extra tv time for now!