Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Taste Test

Cameron is a picky eater.  I have NO idea where he got this from.  (Ignore any comments from my mother.)  He doesn't like different foods to touch each other.  He doesn't like anything spicy.  He doesn't like any differences in color or texture.  For example, he carefully examined each tiny piece of chicken on his plate the other night and made a pile of the rejects.  "I can't eat these ones," he explained.  "They have brown on them."  David attempted to reason with him, which doesn't work.

"The brown parts are the best," he said.  "That's just where the chicken was touching the pan," he said.  "You haven't even tried it," he said.

Then, David had an idea.  "Let's do a taste test," he suggested.  "We'll blindfold you and see if you can tell which piece has no brown on it, which has a little and which has a lot."  Cameron promptly agreed and proceeded to misidentify every bite.


Joanna said...

Hi Sharon,

I'm writing from Adoptive Families magazine. We found your blog and would like to recommend it an upcoming issue of the magazine. Would you please contact me via e-mail? (Sorry can't find your contact info anywhere on this page.) Thanks!! :o)

Grandma Linda said...

Sharon's Mom here. Based on my experience, Cameron is not picky at all. Comparitively speaking, that is.

Alexander Knonimus said...

A taste test, great way to get him to eat a lot of his chicken. Try it with the vegetables next.

Sharon said...

Luckily both our kids love vegetables.

And for you mom, I plead the fifth.