Friday, May 1, 2009

Whatever Works

Matthew is becoming a little more devious in his attempts to avoid things he doesn't like. Oh, don't get me wrong, he isn't opposed to the age old "throw yourself to the floor and scream" move, nor the time tested "baby goes boneless" trick. But he's noticed that a few other things get our attention and he isn't beneath trying them.

A few days ago, it was pretty hot out. As I placed Matthew in his carseat, the hot buckle touched him and he cried, "Hot! Too hot!" I quickly pulled him from the seat. Little did I know that the gears inside that little head were turning . . .

Today, I began to spray Matthew's hair in preparation for his hair styling. We do this every day, and Matthew is becoming less tolerant of the routine. He twists and turns to avoid the spray bottle. But this morning, he tried something different. As the mist reached his hair, he screamed, "Hot! Too hot!"

And another example. I was attempting to get Matthew dressed this morning and he was resisting. "Stop mama!" he shouted.

"What's wrong?" I said, still trying to get his leg into his pants.

"Ummmm," he stalled. "Didi hit me."

Of note, Cameron (aka Didi) was still fast asleep in his room when this transpired.


Grandma Linda said...

Matthew is so bright! What a little character.

Anonymous said...

Love your Blogger G G PA