Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sweetest Brothers Ever

Last night, as I was reading Matthew his bed time stories, we heard Cameron crying. "DIDI!" shouted Matthew in alarm. He wriggled free of my grasp and went running to the living room. "Oh no! Didi problem!" he said. Cameron was laying on the couch and Matthew leaned his head in close. "It's okay," he murmured in the same soft, soothing tone that I use to comfort him. "It's okay, Didi."

He gently patted Cameron's back until Cameron turned, snuffling, to give him a big hug. "Thanks Matthew," said Cameron.

It made me think of all the fears I had when we were waiting to adopt. As our wait grew longer and longer, I fretted about how far apart in age our kids would be. Would they get along? Would they watch out for each other? Would they play together? Or would they always be at different stages, have different interests? And of course, they ARE at different stages and have different interests, but they also find lots of common ground. They love to play soccer together, to build with Legos together, to ride bikes together. But most of all, they just plain love each other. A few days ago, when Cameron didn't know I had walked into the room, I overheard him say to Matthew, "You know what Matthew? I sure am lucky that I have you." They are lucky to have each other and we are lucky to have them.


Unknown said...

I used to worry about that all the time. But you are so right, I think they are brothers and sisters first and friends and they get past age difference. Adam Jr. tells me everytime TJ acquires a new skill (most recently blowing raspberries) "I taught him that." He so is enjoying being the big brother. Keep the heart-warming stuff coming...I am sure it might not last into teenage years :)

kimbill16 said...

This story is so sweet. I got a little choked up reading it. We love our children so much and it is always so wonderful to see that they love each other too!!

Ninette said...

Seriously, the image of Matthew running over to comfort Cameron was so sweet it brought tears to my eyes. Such love!!