Monday, May 11, 2009

Best Day

Above, the two beautiful boys who make me a mother.

I had a wonderful Mother's Day. Cameron in particular was brimming with excitement this year. All week he kept saying, "How many days until Mother's Day? You are going to have the BEST Mother's Day ever!" I knew I would, simply because it was so rewarding to see Cameron want to do something special for me.

When I woke up on Sunday, Cameron was running to get the presents set out on the table. "Open this one first," he said, handing me the bag he had brought home from school. Inside was a glass bottle that he had painted with flowers, which I will treasure always. Next came new sheets for the bed and an ice cream maker! Matthew's food allergies mean that he can't have ice cream and we've started to feel a bit guilty about our walks up to Dairy Queen now that he points and says, "I try dat?" Thanks to the ice cream maker, we'll now be able to make soy ice cream that we can all eat!

Cameron and David whipped up a batch of chocolate soy ice cream while Matthew and I took a walk in the afternoon. It was delicious and we all waited in anticipation for Matthew's first taste. Ignoring his spoon, he dipped his hand in and then licked his fingers. "Yucky," he announced and toddled off!

We spent a wonderful day together as a family and Cameron was TOTALLY right -- it was the best Mother's Day ever.


Grandma Linda said...

We are so blessed to have Cameron and Matthew! Happy Mother's Day!

Christine said...

Sounds like a great day!
Alex had the same thoughts on ice cream until he was about 4---now he can't get enough of it!