Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sweet Dreams

One morning, as I was making breakfast, Cameron and Matthew disappeared. I found them, cuddled together in my bed, whispering. "Did you have a good night's sleep, Matthew?" said Cameron.

"Yah," answered Matthew.

"Did you have any dreams?"


"What did you dream about?"

"Socc-a bawl. I kick da bawl! SCORE!" crowed Matthew, throwing his hands into the air.

Then this morning, I woke up to find that Cameron was sitting in Matthew's room with the light on. Cameron was cozy in the rocking chair and Matthew was sitting in his crib. They chatted for a while and then Cameron asked again if Matthew had had any dreams. "Yah," said Matthew. "I sleeping. I drinking. I FALL DOWN!"

For the concerned reader, let me assure you that Matthew has not witnessed any drinking and falling down incidents. I'd consider looking it up in one of those "Interpret Your Dreams" books, but I'm kind of afraid of what I might find.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like college...

Christy said...

That is so sweet. I love when you're able to get a glimpse of these little moments they share as siblings :)