Monday, March 30, 2009

Peace and Quiet

My kids never stop talking. All day long, they are chattering away. This morning, Matthew sat in his booster eating his cereal. "FEE-FI-FIDDLEY-I-O, FEE-FI-FIDDLEY-I-OO-OO-OO-O!" he crooned. I'm getting pretty sick of this particular soundtrack, so I started to teach him "Old McDonald Had a Farm." Within a few rounds, he had caught on and was joining in on the "E-I-E-I-O." Then when I got to "Old McDonald had a . . . " he shouted out, "COW!" Not too shabby for his first time! But the next time I said "Old McDonald had a . . . " he stumped me by yelling, "BUTTA-FWY!"





It's kind of hard to make a butterfly sound. Although I suppose there are butterflies on farms.

Just in time, Cameron woke up and joined us. "I'm hot," he greeted me. "I'm as hot as a sizzling pancake." This is a Cameron original. He loves idioms. He loves them like I love peace and quiet, and he creates them every chance he gets.

The morning passed in a blur of voices. "BIRD! I SEE IT! BACKYARD. MASS-EW GO BACKYARD."
"Okay, so this flashlight is our secret spy gear, and I'm getting a message from my master."


"So, today at school I am going to start a spy club. And I'm going to sit on top of the big rock on the playground. And all my members will sit on the ground around me."

Finally, we begin the drive to school. From the backseat, Cameron provides ongoing commentary on "Magic Tree House" #10, which we are listening to on CD. Meanwhile, Matthew sings, "THREE, FOUR, SHUT THE DOOR. THREE, FOUR, SHUT THE DOOR." Over. And over.

"Mwah," I hear from the back. "I KISS YOU MAN. MWAH." I glance in the rear view mirror and see that Matthew is kissing a Rescue Hero. Actually, he is taking turns giving Billy Blazes and Jake Justice some tender loving. Then, he pauses and shouts, as if he has just had a truly earthshaking idea, "I SING! THREE, FOUR, SHUT THE DOOR. HA HA! MAMA! I SINGA DA SONG!"

Now, Cameron is at school and Matthew is finally napping. And me? I'm just hanging with Jake Justice. He's hot. Hot like a sizzling pancake.


kimbill16 said...

Hilarious. Sounds like an average day at my house too. Who knew peace and quiet could be such a luxury?

Zack F said...

Start a club where Cameron will sit on top of the largest rock and his members will sit all around him
? Order the robes and punch, kid. That's called a cult.

RTC said...

You should turn this blog into a book. It's brilliant. Great post today. It was hot - like a sizzling pancake!!