Monday, March 23, 2009

Next Up, Jitterbug

When Cameron started preschool last year, any art work he brought home fell squarely into the abstract category. Slowly, over time, squiggles became circles which became faces. Eventually, if he explained what he had drawn, I could sorta kinda see it!

This year, Cameron's art work has skyrocketed to new heights. Most of the time he doesn't even have to tell me for me to be able to distinguish a volcano from a train from a robot. In retrospect, when Cameron brought home this drawing last week, I should have been able to tell what it was. Actually, I thought to myself, "Funny, that looks like three people wearing some type of exotic headdresses under a disco ball. Nahhh." So I said, "Cameron, I like this drawing! Can you explain it to me."

"Sure," he replied. "That's me in the green. The other two guys are my friends. The circle with all the colors is a disco ball and we're all dancing."
And now I am left with a more confounding question. Why?

1 comment:

Grandma Linda said...

I think that's me on the far right.