Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Best Quarter You'll Ever Spend

This morning, Cameron donned his St. Patrick's day hat and necklace. He made a sign, advertising a show for a mere 25 cents. He proposed we play outside. Then, he stood on the empty sidewalk shouting, "Show! Only 25 cents!" over and over. When no one came, we decided to take a walk. Only a few houses down the street, Cameron was overcome with anxiety. "What if while we're gone," he asked, "a crowd of people come. And they are all holding out 25 cents for the show. And there is NO ONE there to do a SHOW! We need to go back." He walked back home and began shouting again, despite the deserted street. Finally, I proposed that he rehearse for the show. He did, with great enthusiasm.
At first, Matthew sat in the audience clapping.

Then, he felt inspired to join in the show.

Finally, we decided to postpone the show until the afternoon. From inside the house, Cameron shouted out the window, "Show this afternoon! Only 25 cents! Free lemonade and stickers!" Then he turned to me. "We have a lot to do," he said. "You're going to need to go to the store and buy LOTS of lemons." We're expecting a sell-out crowd, so get here early.


Bethany G. said...

I love reading your blog! I just love your writing style and all the cute stories! This story is just so sweet. I don't know where you live but if I lived close by I would come to his show! I feel so bad for him. He worked so hard! Too cute.

Sharon said...

Thanks so much Bethany! I love to write, and I love that I'll have a record of these early years with my kids.