Friday, March 13, 2009

How to Freak Out a Leprechaun

Cameron is really excited for St. Patrick's Day this year. Last year, leprechauns turned our milk green and we've been plotting our revenge ever since. We've built two leprechaun traps and we are pretty sure that come next Tuesday, we'll have some little green men waiting in them for us! Here's Cameron with the in-progress hat trap. The leprechauns will no doubt be allured by the giant replica of their head gear. We will provide them with a tiny ladder, which they will find irresistable. The ladder will lead to a pile of gold. (The gold? Here's the good part. It's not really gold. It's sparkly yellow paper. Shhh!) When the leprechauns step on the top of the hat to steal the gold, they will fall through a trap door and find themselves helpless at the bottom of an oatmeal container!!! HA HA!
But, if that wasn't good enough, Cameron decided to write the leprechauns a note. It will be waiting for them inside the trap. It was actually pretty disturbing to see Cameron's precocious grasp of sarcasm.
"Hi Leprechauns!" it begins, innocently enough. "I hope you enjoy the gold," he mocks. "I hope you like gold." Leprechauns are no fools. They will be able to read between the lines. There was no gold, leprechauns! Hope you enjoy the TRAP! But then, Cameron crosses the line from kind of mean to downright creepy. "I hope you like me watching you while you sleep. Love, Cameron." *shiver* I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight after reading that! Poor little leprechauns.


Anonymous said...

Found you through the "Open Adoption Bloggers" button. Hi. =)

I got a good laugh out of your son's note to the leprechauns. Thanks for sharing!

Sharon said...

Thanks Kendra! I thought the note was pretty funny, too!