Thursday, February 12, 2009

Watch out, Hallmark

Today, Cameron brought home some art work. "It's for Henri," he told me. (If you read this blog religiously -- and come on, I know you do -- you are well aware that Henri is Cameron's teddy bear).

"Wow, it's great, Cameron! I'm sure Henri is going to love it," I replied.

"Yeah. It's called 'Scab Love,' said Cameron, very casually.

"What did you say? It's called what?"

"Scab Love."

"Soooo, why is it called Scab Love?" I was going for the same nonchalant tone of voice Cameron was using, but it came out wayyyy chalant.

(Lily, if you are reading, I couldn't resist. Apologies to my other readers for an inside joke.)

"Well," Cameron said patiently, "of course it is called 'Scab Love' because Henri just had surgery, so he'll have a scab. And because I love him."

Of course.


Grandma Linda said...

What a beautiful card! Henri is one lucky bear.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha I AM reading this...and I'm very impressed that you can bring together our small group silliness and your blog!