Monday, February 9, 2009

True Giving

Today, as I was making dinner, I was chatting on the phone with my dad. The boys were playing together and, incredibly, not causing any trouble or in any imminent danger. But then Matthew decided he wanted a snack and took matters into his own hands, climbing on a chair and pulling a box of cereal off a shelf. "Gotta go, Dad," I said. "Matthew got himself a box of cereal and I'm going to have to get it away from him before he eats the whole thing." As he heard me say this, Matthew began frantically shoveling handfuls of cereal in his mouth. I began to walk toward him he reached into the box, double fisted. As I grabbed the box away, he crammed one full hand into his own mouth and reached over with the other to put a handful in Cameron's mouth!


Grandma Linda said...

Why, Matthew is just so thoughtful!

Ginger said...

Wow. I love that he knows how to share. What a great story, as usual.