Thursday, February 12, 2009

Age Appropriate

Cameron: Mommy, can we have a dance party?
Me: Sure! What should we listen to?
Cameron: Well, Daddy made us a list of songs on the computer last night. It's called "Kid's Dance Party" and it's all our favorite songs.
Me: Wow, that's great!
Cameron: Yeah, I want to dance to that. Because I'm really in the mood to hear "Tootsie Roll."
Me: Uh, "Tootsie Roll" is on the "Kid's Dance Party" list?
Cameron: Yep. It's my favorite. Matthew's favorite is "Who Let the Dogs Out."
Matthew: Woof, woof, woof, woof!

1 comment:

Grandma Linda said...

Yeah, I thought they said Woof, woof instead of who, who!

Tootsie roll and Who let the dogs out are great songs. Does Cameron know Hot, Hot, Hot by Buster Poindexter? That's my favorite dance song.