Monday, May 26, 2008

Too much noise

Continuing our musical weekend, we headed to the local parade this morning. The highlight of these parades for the kids is the throwing of candy to the crowd. Now, to me it seems like a bad idea to have a man driving a firetruck down a crowded street throwing candy out the window, enticing small children to run pell mell towards those very large wheels but apparently the city does not share this concern. We got off to a rough start when Cameron darted towards the first candy-throwing vehicle, causing me to shriek "STOP" just as Cameron tripped and fell hard on the street. Empty handed and tearful from his fall, he retreated back to the sidewalk where a very kind older boy took pity on him. "Here you go!" he said, dumping a handful of candy in Cameron's bucket. "You don't have to run for the candy. I will and I'll give you half of everything I get!" And he did! Cameron was thrilled both with the candy and with his new friend.
Matthew was unimpressed with the parade, possibly because no one was throwing Cheerios. But when the marching bands began to pass by, he had HAD it. "Enough with the noise!" he seemed to be saying. So, Matthew and I walked home leaving Cameron and David to enjoy the clowns and mini cars. Maybe by next year Matthew will have developed an appreciation of candy-tossing politicians!


Grandma Linda said...

It was so nice of the little boy to share his candy. Next year Cameron can do the same for Matthew.

Midnight Thoughts said...

I have 2 comments in one...

1) that was SO nice of that boy to share his hard earned candy with Cameron!!!
2) The pic of Matthew is great! He looks adorable!!!
K :)