Thursday, May 8, 2008

Conversation between two brothers

The Scene: Driving home after picking up Cameron from school. Both boys are in their car seats, side by side. Matthew is rear-facing and Cameron is forward-facing. Thus, they essentially face each other. It is raining, and Matthew is looking out the window.

Cameron: Mommy, I'm going to see if Matthew knows his name. Matthew!
Matthew: Turning head quickly to face Cameron. Da!
Cameron: He knows his name! Okay, let's try it again Matthew. Look the other way!
Matthew: Noncompliant, staring at Cameron.
Cameron: No, out the window. Look out the window!
Matthew: Slowly turning head to window. Ga, ga, ga.
Cameron: Don. Don!
Matthew: Continuing to observe rain.
Cameron: Okay. Bob. Bob!
Matthew: No response.

Author's note: What has the conversation thus far proven? Matthew knows his name is Matthew. He also knows that he is not a middle-aged white man.

Cameron: Amy! Aaaammmyyy!
Matthew: Turning head quickly towards Cameron, perhaps expecting to see a perky brunette has joined us in the car. Turning head back to window, disappointed.
Cameron: Ha! Got you, Matthew! Mommy, Matthew thinks he's a GIRL!
Matthew: Showing maturity beyond his months, ignores brother's taunting.
Cameron: Avocado!
Matthew: Losing patience, turns head again. GGGAAAA da da da.
Cameron: Hooo-hoo! Matthew! You're not an AVOCADO! Oh my gosh. I can't believe Matthew thought he was an avocado!


Christine said...


Zack said...

Pinnaple Upsidedown Cake. HEY PINNAPLE UPSIDEDOWN CAKE!!! Oh my gosh, I can't believe you think your Pinnapple Upsidedown Cake.

RTC said...

This is my favorite story so far!

I think you're right - Matthew is the smarter of the two! Well, if not smarter, the more mature... ;)

I want to be an avocado...

KJ said...

I am laughing so hard! Love it.