Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Cameron has been excited for about a week over the Mother's Day gift he made for me at school. He was tight-lipped at first. "I made something at school today, but I can't tell you what. ONLY Daddy."

A few days later, he couldn't take it anymore. "I can't tell you, but it's funny! It's a picture of you. And it's a funny picture. Because I couldn't remember what you looked like. But I can't tell you!"

And after a few more days passed, he confessed, "I told the teacher why I love you. But I can't tell you!"

Finally, he brought home a large envelope festooned with pink marker. "To Mom. Love Cameron" When I opened it, I found this sweet little surprise.

The stick figure, if you haven't guessed, is me. I actually do have two legs and two arms in the drawing, but they are yellow and the scanner doesn't seem to pick up the color.

When I admired the drawing, Cameron giggled madly. "Isn't it FUNNY?"

"Why is it funny?" I asked.

"Well, see that red circle? Know what that is?" he replied.


"It's your big belly!" he crowed.

"My big belly?" I said, confused. I'll admit that I don't have washboard abs, but no one has asked me when the baby is due or anything like that!

Cameron reached over and gave me a loving pat on my belly. "See?" he said. "Your big belly. Right there."

Awww. How sweet. A Mother's Day dream come true. And now I'm off to do some sit-ups.


Christine said...

Alright, THIS ONE has me laughing out loud! I'm wondering if he told his teachers about his Mama's belly? ;)

ps: For the record, I don't for one minute think that you have a big belly!

Ginger said...

I better not let Cameron see my belly then..... :-)

At least he didn't mention your backside, my co-workers daughter brought that up in her mother's day card picture. :-)