Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Stacy's Thanksgiving photos

Thanks to Stacy, here are photos from our first Thanksgiving celebration. The highlight, without a doubt, was being able to introduce Matthew to so many family members!

Here is Morgan looking a little unsure about this whole holding a baby thing. Matthew, sensing her discomfort, wears a look of distress. "Uh, hello? Is anyone ELSE concerned here?" But Morgan proved herself proficient!
Now on to cousin Chase, whose fish face impression appears to have Matthew befuddled. "I don't get it. What kind of reaction is this kid looking for here?"
Alleah and Jessica compare hair. Clearly, Matthew was excluded from this competition as he has an unfair advantage. At 3 months, he has more hair than many a 3 year old!

Despite being passed from relative to relative, Matthew still got some Mommy and Daddy time.

And here is the quintessential Matthew -- those big, big eyes and tasty fingers. Who needs turkey?
This mystery writer thinks Matthew is on to something -- forget the turkey, give us something sweet!


Stacy said...

Good selection of photos and great comments. Maybe next year, Matthew will be more interested in the turkey or maybe tofurkey. ;)

Grandma Linda said...


Love the photos! You really captured the Matthew I have come to know and love.