Thursday, July 2, 2009

I Am Not Your Broom

Tonight, I made a dinner that Cameron loves -- scallops sauteed in olive oil with zucchini and onion, served over rice. Cameron then explained that he would not be eating any of it because, although he has loved the dish in the past, tonight it was "too gooey." When told that he would be sitting at the table until the rest of us were done, he threw a handful of rice on the floor.

He has spent the last half hour under the table with a Dustbuster. "But Mooommmmyyyy, I didn't even make this whole mess!"

"I know, isn't it sooooo frustrating to clean up other people's messes?"

"But Mooommmmyyy, I keep vacuuming and vacuuming and there's still more rice!"

"Rice is the worst," I groan. "So sticky, and a million little grains! Keep vacuuming!"

"Argh, mommy, I just bumped my head under the table! All because you are making me vacuum!"

"No, all because you threw your food."

"Okay, fine."

I remember being a kid and my parents sometimes seeming kind of gleeful as they executed a punishment. I never really got it until now. "You missed a grain here!"


kimbill16 said...

Ahhh, yes. I know that kind of glee...

Christine said...


Unknown said...

and to think I felt I feel more normal!

theferrarofour said...

LOVE that you were able to do this. Glee, I cannot wait.