Monday, July 27, 2009

Da Doctor

Today, the boys had check-ups with their pediatrician. While not a fan of laying on the table, being measured, having his ears checked or getting shots, Matthew loves nothing more than a good chat. So the following conversation ensued during Cameron's check-up.

Doctor: Cameron, where do you sit in the car?
Cameron: In a car seat.
Matthew: Me too! I sit in da car seat!

Doctor: Cameron, what do you like to play with?
Cameron: I love to play with my Legos!
Matthew: I have da Legos! I play da Legos with Didi!

Doctor: Do you like to play other things, too, Cameron? Do you like to ride your bike or swim?
Cameron: Yes.
Matthew: Daddy ride da bike. I like da soccer. I kick da soccer ball. I kick it -- POW! -- I pop it high!

Doctor: Well, I can see that Matthew's quite a talker! Picks up Matthew's chart and jots something in it. Cameron, can you hop on one foot? Can you show me that?
Cameron: OK. Hops on one foot.
Matthew: Look at me! Look at me! Hops on one foot, then the other.

Doctor: Uh, wow. That's, uh, pretty impressive for a 2-year-old. Huh. Picks up Matthew's chart again and makes a note. OK, Cameron, now I'm going to tap your knees with this little hammer. Tap.
Matthew: I try dat! I do dat too!
Doctor: You want me to tap your knee Matthew?
Matthew: Yay!
Doctor: Tap.
Matthew: Ow! You hurt me!
Doctor: I just tapped your knee.
Matthew: No, you popped me. Dat ouchy!
Doctor: Sorry!

In the end, both children were declared healthy and developing normally. "And Matthew's gross motor skills," said the doctor, "are, well, there's no concern there. And his verbal skills are . . . well, he's certainly putting words together into phrases."

"Okay," said Matthew. "Sticker? I go now."

1 comment:

Grandma Linda said...

Matthew is so funny. I have never seen a 2 year old that talks as well as he does. I can't wait to see what he amazes us with next.