Friday, December 12, 2008

Santa Trauma

Tonight was David's company Christmas party, complete with a very convincing Santa Claus. While waiting in line, Cameron said, "I bet he's going to say, 'Hi Cameron!' when I get up there!"

I replied, "Are you going to tell him what you want for Christmas?"

"Uh, Mommy, he already knows that. I wrote him a letter," Cameron replied in that voice of patient disgust that a five-year-old is so adept at using.

Although Santa, inexplicably, asked Cameron his name and what he wanted for Christmas, Cameron was pleased with the experience. Matthew, not so much.


Grandma Linda said...

Mommy,get me out of here!!

Anonymous said...

OMG--that is so cute! I mean...sad. Okay, is it wrong that I think it's cute? LOL

Sharon said...

No, what's wrong is that I thought it was cute while it was happening!