Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Baby Love

Matthew loves his new baby doll. When asked if the doll was a boy or a girl, he replied without hesitation, "Guull." I then asked him the baby's name. "Mommy," he said decisively.

"Hmmm. That's a tad confusing," I noted, "since I am also known as 'Mommy.' How about Mimi?"

"Mimi!" he agreed. So Mimi she is.
Matthew loves to give Mimi her binky.

Even better is sharing her binky.


Ninette said...

I love the "sharing" picture. It is too cute!

Annie said...

oh my gosh, this is just too cute!
(railyuh from TBW)

Sharon said...


And Annie, thanks for commenting -- it's always a bit of a thrill to find that someone other than my mom has looked at my blog!

staceygriff said...

I came across your blog while trying to find other families that have adopted and are similar to my own adoptive family. I found yours and just wanted to say how much I love it. We have one biological daughter and then two more children through adoption. I love reading others stories and seeing the love and happiness in their lives. Thank you.

Sharon said...

Thanks Stacey! So glad you enjoyed seeing my family!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures? Honestly, the freakin' cutest thing EVER!

Sharon said...

In general, I think Matthew is the cutest thing ever, but I have to agree that these pictures are among his cutest!