Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Empathy is not his strong suit

Today, the boys and I had plans to go to the zoo with some new friends. Instead, I awoke with a splitting headache, nauseated and lightheaded. Okay, I thought to myself. This is a set-back. A few pain relievers and a cup of coffee and I'll be good to go. When just the smell of coffee set my stomach churning, though, I had to rethink things. The zoo requires walking and walking didn't appear to be a manageable task in my present condition. I called and cancelled with our friends and crawled to the couch. "It's okay, Mommy," said Cameron, patting my head. "I didn't really want to go to the zoo anyways."

Wow. What a sweet little boy I've got! I congratulated myself. Then Cameron continued. "So, Mommy. Today is the day I get to buy my light saber. How about we go now?"

So here's the background to this request. Last weekend, we made a quick stop at a drug store to pick up a few items. In the toy aisle, Cameron spotted a real Star Wars light saber (cue angels singing). He begged and pleaded, certain that this blue plastic was all that was standing between him and the Dark Side. Dashing his hopes, we left the store without the saber. Upon reaching our home, he emptied his piggy bank and entreatied us to return to the drug store. Finally, we struck a deal that if 1) he used his own money and 2) he had good behavior for the next few days we would return to the drug store on Wednesday and purchase it. Since that time, we've experience a pre-Christmas-like peace in our house, with Cameron not only behaving but offering to clean and help carry the diaper bag!

So, he was correct that today was the long-awaiting Trip to the Drug Store. However, I sorta thought that my hands-and-knees trip to the couch would signal, even to a four-year-old, that light sabers were not a top priority at the moment. I was wrong. While Cameron did appreciate that I was perhaps not in top form, to him a deal is a deal and I had made a deal that we would get the light saber on Wednesday. After several hours, when I at least felt able to drive, I gave in to his relentless pestering and he is now the proud owner of a light saber. It actually lifted my spirits a bit to see him run through the aisles of the store and reverently place the light saber on the check-out counter. And it did give me a chance to nap this afternoon, while he repeatedly "activated" his light saber and reenacted his vision of Star Wars.

And, for the many readers certain to be ready to spring into action and deliver me baked goods and flowers, I am feeling better!


Zack said...

If you only know how bad you want junk like that when your a boy and between the ages of 4-14. Remember that Dick Tracy watch I wanted?

Aunt Beth said...

I still remember saving my pennies to get a pair of sandals at a shoe store named Kinny's. They were $3.00. I was so excited when I got them I went to bed with them on.
Glad your feeling better.