Thursday, June 19, 2008

Cicada Lifeguard

Cameron is a self-appointed Cicada Lifeguard at our swim club. Today, while on duty, he found a cicada, more dead than alive, floating in the shallow end. Springing into action, he scooped up the unfortunate fellow. "He's moving!" he shouted. "He's alive!" He stood by attentively as the cicada dried off on deck and, as he began to feebly stir, Cameron tenderly lifted him onto his beach towel. It was actually quite touching in a creepy crawly kind of way.

As Cameron sat in a beach chair ministering to his charge, he noticed another little boy about his age. He watched as the boy caught a cicada buzzing about and then, moments later, dropped him in the water. Cameron's mouth dropped open and he quickly went to the aid of the cicada. From my vantage point, I saw Cameron pick up the cicada and then say, "OUCH! That must have HURT!" He came hurrying back to me, cicada in hand and showed me that the cicada (brace yourself, faint of heart readers!) had, well, lost his head. *swoon* Cameron shot a disapproving look at the other boy and then turned to me and said in a low voice, "He looks like such a nice boy! I thought he'd like cicadas!" I think this is Cameron's first experience with the old adage, "Looks can be deceiving."


Aunt Beth said...

What a cute story !! That's nice that Cameron is such a nice caring boy. I love your last few photos of the kids.

Anonymous said...

My daughter's been rescuing cicadas out of the pool at our gym too. It's so cute--one minute she'll be swimming with me and the next minute she's walking out of the pool with a bug in her hand, releasing it (at least now I know what the heck she's doing and I don't have to ask, "where ya goin'?"

Anonymous said...

You guys are raising such a good kid! Yippee!