Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hat heads

St. Patrick's Day began with excitement in our house -- we were shocked to find that the leprechauns had played a trick on us and turned our milk green! With some trepidation, we took a taste and were delighted to discover that green milk is DELICIOUS! Cameron independently determined that leprechauns turn milk green "by dipping their socks in it." Mmmm.

After school, Cameron went to a St. Patrick's Day party and David went to an Irish pub with his co-workers. I, apparently, am no social butterfly, as I spent the evening carting kids from school to party to home. I think I am in a social cocoon stage of my life.

The party boy apparently has a really cool mom who somehow managed in 1 hour in 45 minutes to get 6 kids fed, play games, frost cookies and make pretzels and paint a toy train. Even better, each kid got a goody bag which, among other things, contained a very large hat. The hat was endlessly amusing, as you can see!
Cameron, recognizing that Matthew was likely green with jealousy, kindly allowed Matthew to try the hat on, too. You know, really humongous green hats don't work for everybody, but I think my boys really pulled off the look!

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