Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Christmas wishes

Cameron recently began his Christmas list for '08. I mean, no sense leaving it to the last minute! On a green sheet of construction paper, he carefully wrote "DOG" and "PIG." Well, that should be easy, I thought. I'd been thinking we didn't have enough living beings in this house for me to clean up after! But just a moment ago, I saw that Cameron has made an update to his list. In scrawling, painstaking capital letters, the list now includes "LAPRQIN." You know, a laprqin. The green guys with the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Well, perhaps the laprqin can clean up after the dog and pig.


Melissa said...

CUTE! Can I have a Laprqin too? I'll use mine to clean the house.

Sharon said...

Sure! If I can wrangle up one laprqin, it shouldn't be any trouble to get two (;

Christine said...

Do you have any idea what drove Cameron to want a pig? Dog, I can understand. Laprqin, I can definitely understand. But pig?

Sharon said...

You know, come to think of it, I have no idea what inspired Cameron's desire for a pig!

Grandma Linda said...

Maybe he heard this from Zachary. Zack requested a pot-bellied pig several times.