Monday, March 31, 2008

Cameron the Carnivore

People who know my eating habits frequently ask me if I am raising my kids to be vegetarians. The truth is, I'm not even vegetarian. The latest lingo is that I am flexitarian -- I eat a largely plant-based diet but do occasionally eat meat, primarily fish and seafood. As for the kids, they'll choose for themselves how much meat, if any, they want to eat as they get older. They don't eat much meat now, simply because I don't prepare it, but David does sometimes get a craving for meat and make some for himself.

Last night, David and Cameron feasted on sausages and brats from David's favorite butcher. I enjoyed pasta with marinara sauce and a side of veggies with balsamic vinegar. Cameron delightedly explained to me that sausage is made from pig. "You should eat some sausage, Mommy!" he entreated me.

"No thanks," I replied. "I don't like sausage."

"Why not?"

"Well, I don't really like most food that is made from animals," I said.

"Hmm," Cameron pondered. Then he said with relish, "I LOVE eating animals!"