Thursday, August 23, 2007

One week old

Matthew was one week old yesterday! We are all still adjusting to having a new addition to our family, but are doing very well. Yesterday we were all at home for the day, which was very nice. Cameron and David enjoyed a visit to the swimming pool and to Kmart, where Cameron got the Aladdin DVD. We watched it together in the afternoon and Cameron thought Robin Williams was hilarious. He has good taste -- I was a die-hard Mork & Mindy fan in my childhood and still love Robin Williams!

Matthew had his first bath at home, which Cameron found fascinating. He love the little sponge Matthew laid on and hearing about how he screamed & cried the first time he had a bath! Matthew actually slept through most of his bath, but did cry when we washed his hair. Cameron was quite sympathetic, as he tries to convince me each and every time he has a bath that his hair does not need to be washed.

Matthew calls . . . more later!

1 comment:

Grandma Linda said...

I love the bath picture. Matthew looks so calm and relaxed.

See you tomorrow!