Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Stanford Peep Experiment

The boys were up bright and early, searching for their Easter baskets.  E.B. is pretty conservative with the candy at this house, preferring to leave Legos and baseballs.  But he's not an Easter candy grinch either, so there were some jelly beans and Peeps to be found.  You've no doubt heard of the famous marshmallow test, and if Peeps count as marshmallows, Matthew is in big trouble. 

As if the boys were lacking for sugar, I made a batch of Vegan YumYum cinnamon buns for breakfast which were 1) delicious and 2) served to demonstrate that I, too, am lacking in self-control.

Now the boys are out in the pouring rain playing baseball with their new bat and balls and their very kind father.  It's been raining pretty much for forever here and the forecast suggests that the rain will stop never.  The other day, Matthew asked, "Who makes the rain?"

To which Cameron promptly replied, "Depends who you ask.  The Greeks would say Zeus."

Zeus really has it out for us, but as Matthew says, "Nothing will stop me from playing baseball.  Not rain.  Not even if a baseball bonks me on the head!"

I'm not much for baseball, much less baseballs bonking me on the head in the rain, so instead I'm inside, prepping the roasted asparagus lasagna for our Easter dinner.  And maybe sneaking a Peep when no one is looking. 

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