Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hard to think about

Earlier this week, I was driving home with Cameron when he said, "You know, there are some things that are hard to think about."

"That's true," I said.

"Like the Big Bang," he continued.  This, I must confess, took me a bit by surprise.  I guess I had been thinking "hard to think about" like "death is hard to think about," not hard to think about like . . . the origins of the universe?

"Like, I try to picture it and it's like, there was nothing, but what is nothing?  I picture all this blackness and then all of a sudden I see a big N.  You know, the symbol for nitrogen?  And the N explodes into stars and galaxies.  Maybe not our galaxy, I'm not sure, but maybe other galaxies at first."

Hard to think about indeed.

1 comment:

Grandma Linda said...

I can say for certain that I have never given this issue a thought.

I don't know what that says about my intellect versus Cameron's, but I most likely don't want to know.