Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hiding something

Today, the boys and I took a few cardboard boxes, an empty paper towel tube, some string and tape and sat down to figure out what to do with it all.  After some discussion, a pirate ship was ruled out and it was decided that we would make a spy car/boat. 

I made the concealed wheels while Matthew went to work in his area.  He snipped away with his scissors and then held up his creation.  "A knife!" he announced. 

Cameron, meanwhile, had made the dashboard -- folded cardboard featuring an innocent looking speedometer and fuel gauge with spy tools beneath the panel.  He enthusiastically chattered about this feature as we assembled.  "Like, you would be driving along and then you'd press a button and, whoa!  The dashboard changes to your spy stuff!  And your passenger is like, 'So, what's the deal with your dashboard?'" 

With the taping and cutting and tying complete, the boys climbed in their new car/boat.  Cameron took the driver's seat and, from the back, Matthew said, "So, what's the deal with your pastor?"


JB said...

Oh, I remember when we got a new refridgerator and my son asked me to cut some holes in the sides of the box it came in. We cut some in the top for skylight too. That cabin became a ship, a bedroom, an escape pod, and a truck. We drew all over it and even put furniture in it! We used that cabin for months until it was just too far gone to keep.

Thanks for reminding me of that.

Dave and Jeanne said...

Matthews comment is very funny and an unbelievable idea from his great brain.