Monday, January 31, 2011

All You Can Eat

My kids aren't always the most adventurous eaters.  We definitely have our share of "I can't eat that because it was touching that," or "It smells funny," or "I liked it last time but this time I don't want to taste it because it looks weird."  But, overall they eat good food. They don't ask for chicken nuggets or mac & cheese, in part because Matthew's allergies mean we just don't have that kind of stuff.  Instead, they'll polish off a plate of roasted broccoli and ask for more.  They beg for homemade bread.  They love scallops and shrimp, but Cameron will only eat the shrimp and Matthew will only eat the scallops.  It works!

Sushi is Cameron's favorite treat . . . probably because it's also David's favorite treat . . . and mine.  But Matthew has never been able to participate since his food allergies make it impossible to safely eat out. When Cameron asked for a sushi set for Christmas, I don't think he realized what a great gift he was getting for Matthew!  We just had our third all-family sushi fest and we can finally ALL say sushi is our favorite treat!  


Gail said...

That is so awesome! Mmmmm sushi.

Grandma Linda said...

It looks so yummy! I had never even heard of sushi when I was a kid. How times have changed. Oh great, now I am sounding old again.