Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mistakes Happen

Over the holidays, David introduced Cameron to chess.  Actually, he introduced me as well, but Cameron grasped the finer points of the game a bit more quickly -- I kept saying things like, "What's this horse called again?  Wait, do I move forward or sideways or diagonal?  Hey!  How'd you take that guy?"

The fates smiled upon Cameron, because the day after he said, "I wish I could learn more about chess," his school announced a new chess club! 

The other day, Cameron and Matthew decided to play against each other on the computer.  Cameron quickly grew frustrated with Matthew and tried to direct him.  "If you move there you'll be in check!  Matthew!  No!  You don't want to move there!"

"Cameron," I said, "you need to let Matthew make his own mistakes."

"Yeah," retorted Matthew, "that's HOW I LEARN!"


Grandma Linda said...

Wow. The kids really do hear what the adults around them say.

kimbill16 said...

Jeff got the girls a Harry Potter chess set for Christmas. I, too, have no idea how to play, but Lena offers every day to show me how all the pieces move. Maybe Sofie and Lena could play against Cameron and Matthew sometime! (As a side note, for a while, Lena was calling the game "chest" and the pawn "pond") How cool that Cameron's school has a chess club!

Sharon said...

A HARRY POTTER CHESS SET!?!?! I am pretty sure Cameron would think that was the coolest thing EVER. He'd love to play Sofie and Lena -- I'd suggest that Matthew sit out, as he is more interested in knocking pieces over than actually playing!