Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Kudos to the Marketing Department

One of Cameron's favorite parts of our recent vacation was that we spent a lot of time in the car and, thus, he experienced the rare treat of getting Happy Meals at McDonalds more than once. Since then, he has been pointing out each and every McDonalds (you know, every other block or so) and whining, "I'm huuunnngggrry! I want McDonalds!" Today, when he pointed out the Golden Arches yet again and I reminded him, yet again, that McDonalds is only for long car trips he fessed up. "Well, Mommy, the thing is, I got three of the Star Wars toys on our trip. And I want to collect them all! So, well, I really need to get a Happy Meal."

"Cameron," I replied, "do you know what that is? It's called marketing. Basically, it's a trick. McDonalds tries to trick you into wanting to give them money so you can get a toy. Even if their food isn't very healthy or very tasty, you want a toy so you buy a Happy Meal."

"Ohhhhh," said Cameron. Then there was a lengthy pause. Finally, from the backseat I heard, "Wow. That's a pretty good idea that McDonalds had."

1 comment:

Grandma Linda said...

There may be a bright future for Cameron in this field.