Thursday, October 18, 2007

Matthew's fitness craze

Matthew had his two month check-up this week. When he heard the nurse say that he weighs 12 lbs. 6 oz., he immediately decided it was time to really commit to his exercise routine. "I thought those onesies were feeling a little tight," he mused to himself.

The first order of business was getting some stylin' work-out clothes. Babylegs were just the ticket. Seriously, get this kid a headband and he could put Richard Simmons to shame!

For day one, Matthew focused on strength building exercises using free weights. Exhausted, he slept a full four hours that night. Day two, Matthew really meant business. Look at his tough guy mug as he does his push-ups.
But he couldn't keep the smile off his face during the aerobics work-out. "FAME! I'm gonna live forever! I'm gonna learn how to FLY!" he sang.
He's also on a strict, liquid diet.


Zack said...

That boy looks so happy. You might want to get him on a few meal supplements and boost his protein intake. I can give him some information regards the benefits of soy and whey protien if he'd like.

Christine said...

I think it must be from all the ice cream that Cameron feeds him...

(I especially love the last picture--what a cutie!)