Sunday, July 15, 2007

Weekend fun

Grandma Linda and Grandpa Frank came to visit us this weekend. We went to Touch-a-Truck at the zoo where Cameron was able to sit in a helicopter, a firetruck, a big rig and even peek his head out of a SWAT team vehicle.

In the evening, Grandma Linda and Grandpa Frank had offered to entertain Cameron while David and I went out. Although excited at the idea of a night out, I, as usual, dreaded the drama of leaving a clingy Cameron. I had underestimated the appeal of watching "Higgleytown Heroes" with Grandpa, though, as Cameron blithely waved goodbye. David and I enjoyed a delicious dinner complete with Kahlua cheesecake for dessert. But that wasn't the perfect ending to our night -- coming home to find Cameron already asleep was! Grandma Linda told us that Cameron had been a little angel, although he had attempted to convince her that Mommy always gives him a popsicle after dinner!

Today, after spending the morning with Grandma Linda and Grandpa Frank, we had Jess and Pat over for lunch. As usual, our time together was filled with witty banter and intellectual discourse, as evidenced below.Well, actually, the witty banter was a Superhero show starring Batman (Cameron) and Robin (Pat) with David as the "talker" and Jess and I as the audience. While Cameron was an impressive Batman, Pat stole the show, demonstrating a refreshing, youthful exuberance and an uncanny resemblance to the Boy Wonder.

Cameron, no doubt spoiled by the constant attention of his doting grandparents and indulgent friends, had quite a tantrum after Jess and Pat left. He has recently begun to "use his words" as I have encouraged. It's a bit disconcerting when you hear your three-year-old using YOUR words. Some of Cameron's recent expressions when unhappy have included:

"Well, I don't like YOUR behavior!"

"That's not acceptable."

"I'm dealing with a situation here."

"There's going to be a consequence for YOU!"

and one he most certainly did NOT get from me, "Well, then, you're not my favorite anymore."

So sweet.


Grandma Linda said...

What a great weekend & a great family photo. You forgot to mention that the very nice policeman referred to me as Cameron's mommy.

Zack said...

Mom always gives a popsicle after dinner.