Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Throwing rocks

Last week, Cameron and I went to Nisbet Park with our friends, Sara and Andrew. Andrew was looking forward to throwing rocks in the river. When I told Cameron this, he appeared puzzled and said, "Why?" I replied, "Because it's fun!" He again said, "Why?" Once he got started, though, he saw the light! He had such a great time that he insisted on bringing David back there over the weekend so he could experience it himself! We've got to take this kid camping . . .

Here are Cameron and Andrew. They had completed their required rock-throwing exercises and had lunch. Then, they discovered a secret hideout (aka a bunch of bushes with a small opening in the middle). They told Sara and I that they were staying there "forever." As it was time to go, Sara said, "Well, we'll miss you! Bye!" We began to walk away and Andrew shot out of the bushes screaming, "NO! Wait for me!" A second later, I heard Cameron from inside the secret hideout yell, "Bye!"


Grandma Linda said...

Oh to be 3 again, instead of 43 (an estimate of my current age). Tell Cameron his hiding spot was so good that I almost didn't see him in the picture.

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