Thursday, May 10, 2007

Philosophy of Parenting

Cameron has evidently given a lot of thought to parenting philosophies. Recently at dinner he stopped eating, stood on his chair and loudly announced, "If you want to come to MY life, come to YOUR life!" He then sat down and continued to eat. David and I cracked up, which apparently offended Cameron. He said, "Hey guys! Don't bone me up! What? Bone me up? That will NEVER make sense!" (Yes, really, he was telling himself that he didn't make sense!) He keeps us entertained, that's for sure!


Grandma Linda said...

I think Cameron's first comment means we would need to walk in his shoes to understand how he interprets adults & their actions. I have no idea what the "bone me up" part means.

Sharon said...

Hmmm. I interpreted him to mean (obviously) that it is ESSENTIAL that I be fully present in my own life to really participate in a meaningful way in his. And, to extrapolate, I should take as much time as I want in the shower, sipping my coffee, reading a book . . . because that attention to my own needs is really attention to HIS needs. I'll ask him tomorrow which of us is right.