Sunday, February 27, 2011

Grace and Courtesy

After weeks of illness, we were finally healthy!  I took Matthew to meet some friends at an indoor playground earlier this week.  As I watched from outside them play structure, I saw Matthew playing with a little girl about his age.  She gave a great, hacking cough and I cringed.  Please, please, no more sickness! A moment later, it happened again and I said quietly to my friend, "Oh, I wish she would cover her mouth!"

One more cough and I heard Matthew.  "You know," he said conversationally, "when you cough, you should cover your mouth."  Then he lifted his elbow to his mouth and gave a dramatic little cough.  "Like this."

"Okay!" the girl replied happily.  And they continued playing.  (And then I vigorously washed Matthew's hands.)

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Anytime I take Katie to one of those places - I know that I have to expect a sickness within three days incubation time. It is a fact.